Italy boasts the most cheese varieties of any country in the world.
From hard sharp cheeses made in the hills of Parma and Reggio, to the fragrant cheese named for the alpine valley of Val Telejo, Italy boasts the most cheese varieties of any country in the world. At Pure Italian, we’ve taken great care to curate a concise offering of imported Italian cheeses that best showcase the region’s proud culinary tradition. We help restaurant owners, professional chefs and specialty provisioners throughout New England bring the authentic taste of the old country to their guests, diners and customers with premium cheese imported from Italy. Fresh wheels can be preordered and are shipped weekly.
- Local fresh Ovaline Mozzarella 4 oz
- Local Fresh Ricotta
- Local Fresh Hand dipped Ricotta
- Local Fresh Ricotta Impastata
- Cantarelli Parmigiano Reggiano wheel aged at least 24 months
- Cantarelli Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rossa wheel aged at least 24 months
- Cantarelli Grana Padano wheel minimum 18 months
- Cantarelli Parmigiano Reggiano 1/8 wheel 24 months
- Cantarelli Grana Padano 1/8 wheel
- Pinna Pecorino Romano DOP wheel aged at least 9 months
- Pinna Pecorino Romano DOP ¼ of wheel
- Santa Teresa Pecorino Pinna
- Pecorino Crotonese
- Pinna Ricotta salata sardegna wheel
- Pecorino toscano with truffles
- Pecorino toscano fresh
- Pecorino Toscano aged
- Pecorino Abruzzese Aged
- Pecorino bucaro Pepato ¼ (sardegna)
- Montasio Mezzano ¼ (Friuli venezia giulia)
- Asiago Pressato ¼ (Veneto)
- Asiago stagionato ¼
- Fontal Brown Wax ¼ (Trentino)
- Piave Aged Vecchio ¼ (Veneto)
- Gorgonzola Dolce D.O.P. 1/4
- Parmigiano Reggiano retail 250gr 8.8 oz
- Grana Padano retail 250gr 8.8 oz
- Pecorino Romano imported grated
- Parmeggiano imported grated
- Mascarpone from Italy 6 x 1.1lb
- Pinna Fiore Sardo DOP
- Pinna Santa Teresa Pinna
- Pinna Gran Pecorino wheel aged 2 years
- Pinna Capra Sarda (goat milk)
- Pinna Brigante di capra (goat milk)
- Ubriaco cheese Ocelli al Barolo ¼
- Robiola Bosina
- Robiola fresh
- Stracchino
- Caprino Vaccino
- Grottone
- Provolone del Monaco D.O.P
- Brigante Pecorino Pinna 3lb wheel
- Pistacchio Pecorino
- Moliterno Pecorino al Tartufo and regular
- Luigi Guffanti Taleggio Square DOP
- Luigi Guffanti, Sola Di Bufala NEW!
- Luigi Guffanti, Quader di Bufala NEW!
- Luigi Guffanti, Provolone Mandarone Vernengo +36m. NEW!
- Pinna Ricotta Salata di Capra Made From 100% GOAT Milk
- Provolone Piccante Soresina Mandarino
- Provolone Piccante Soresina Long shape
- Busti Frescoverde Pecorino
- Bastardo Del Grappa
- Imported fresh Mozzarella di Bufala from Campania Italy by preorder only shipped weekly
Imported fresh Zizzona di Battipaglia from Campania Italy by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported fresh Figliata di Bufala from Campania Italy by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported fresh Smoked Mozzarella di Bufala from Campania Italy by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported fresh Burrata 4.4 oz from Puglia by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported Smoked fresh Burrata 4.4 oz from Puglia by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported fresh Ricotta di Bufala from Campania Italy by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported Sheep Ricotta from Italy by preorder only shipped weekly
- Imported Caciocovallo Silano DOP
Imported smoked Cacio Vesuviano Log
- Imported Caciocovallo regular or smoked preorder only